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Five reasons why you need process discovery

The need for process discovery is more now than ever before. With the pandemic slowing down the economy, businesses are turning towards automation and digital transformation to regain momentum. Process discovery is the catalyst that can accelerate company-wide digital transformation efforts while helping drive revenue, profit, and growth.

Here are five reasons why process discover will accelerate your business growth in the post-pandemic era:   

1. Launch change program with confidence:

By 2025, the digital transformation market is expected to hit $3.3 trillion. However, studies show that digital transformation initiatives can be delayed due to misunderstood processes. 37% of business leaders reported that manual discovery and process gaps further complicate the initiative.

Automated process discovery provides visibility into “AS-IS” processes, enabling enterprises to launch digital transformation initiatives and other change programs with confidence. Process discovery helps to drill down processes to an unprecedented level of granularity while breaking every task into fine steps to provide enterprises with powerful business insights.

2. Automate faster and scale better:

According to Automation Anywhere, a leading RPA provider, 80% of automation opportunities remain uncovered even after the first phase of the RPA implementation. And for the identified automation opportunities, almost 65% of the effort goes into understanding the processes – analyzing existing documentation and interviewing process experts – before automating them.

With automated process discovery, enterprises can save up to 40% in cost and easily scale automation initiatives from pilot projects. The ability to capture processes and their variations automatically allow analysts to go beyond piecemeal tasks to identify profitable automation opportunities. Gartner predicts that by 2023 almost 50% of RPA scripts will be generated automatically. This means process discovery is a critical enabling technology for digital transformation.

3. Improve business processes:

The pandemic forced every business to re-evaluate their processes to eliminate inefficiencies and improve outputs. A business process is spread across multiple people and technology. As such, without efficient process discovery, identifying inefficiencies across thousands of processes becomes almost impossible.  

An advanced process discovery tool like SurfaceAI records every interaction your employees make with the system to identify hidden bottlenecks and inefficiencies. You can use the detailed documentation and recordings to see what well-performing workflows can be implemented in other processes.

4. Tap the tacit knowledge:

Real-world business processes are more spaghetti-like than we think and not all processes are documented with 100% accuracy. Most of the variations that make a process simpler or more efficient are buried in the mind of the process experts.

Process discovery taps into the implicit knowledge and documents it both textual and visual format. You can use this recording to train newly onboarded employees or retrain employees on new processes.  

5. Identify revenue leaks and operational gaps:

When the pandemic sent the global workforce to work remotely, enterprises had to struggle to keep their day-to-day operations up and running to keep their business afloat. Remote work has changed how the processes are executed. With process discovery and accurate process documentation, you can make sure that everyone is aware of the new process execution steps.   

Process discovery helps businesses break down complex processes to identify operational and efficiency gaps that can be fixed to improve performance and revenue. Visualization of processes along with the variations helps you to easily identify the revenue leaks and operational gaps.

Bringing it all together

Process discovery gives you insights that are critical to speeding up digital transformation and improving business processes. With businesses looking for ways to increase automation and improve efficiency, process discovery continues to gain momentum. Don’t get left behind. Talk to our experts today, to learn how you can leverage process discovery for your business. 

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